Benefits portals from the European market leader.
Employee satisfaction has a direct impact on the success of your company. At corporate benefits, we help you boost your employees' job satisfaction. Through our benefits portals, we provide your employees with attractive offers from strong brands.
As the European market leader for employee offers, we have the experience, competence and manpower to offer you professional, country-specific assistance. More than 35,000 companies with more than 14.5 million registered users already trust us – and for good reason.
We understand your needs: With passion and dedication, we negotiate offers and discounts from renowned vendors for your employees.
Your employees are your most valuable resource. The more content they are, the more motivated they will be in fulfilling their roles. Satisfied employees will have a greater sense of identification and loyalty towards your company. They will further recommend you as an employer, positively affecting your image and making your company more attractive to prospective talents.
Show your appreciation for your employees by offering them additional benefits!
Years on the market
Countries across Europe
renowned vendors